Today was the last day of our teacher training classes for the Pilates mat work. The five ladies who took our course were great students and I have faith they will make great teachers in the future.
In addition to sharing my 11 years of teaching experience and Shona's 9 years of teaching experience, we had them read several books about the work to use for referencing the exercises. When we were at a loss to explain to them why they'd do certain exercises like Rocking (an advanced move I never like to teach) or Swan Dive (not comfortable on men, full bladders etc...) we'd refer to the book "Rael Pilates". Who knew the answer was "to harness your energy". I have never told a client to harness anything. Descriptions like that are almost as priceless as a teacher asking you to breathe through orifices that aren't so obvious.
At the end of our two weekend workshop, we were all exhausted and sore, but we learned a lot. Trainees will be asked to complete 88 hours of class time, practice, observation and practice teaching. If you are interested in working with one of the trainees as a "guinea pig" please let us know.
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