For the last two weeks we have been inundated with news about economic collapse. Some clients come to the studio stressed and panicked while others are taking a wait and see approach. All we can do is continue to provide people with an outlet to release their physical tension and get out of their heads. This isn't easy for us particularly since clients are thinking about how can they continue to spend the money for Pilates while they are cutting back everywhere else. To that end, here is what I recommend:
1. 1/2 hour sessions
Do a 1/2 hour of focused work for $40-$45 and save $30
2. Join a mat class $200/10 or $25 single
A savings of over $50 from a Private
We have classes on Mondays at 7pm, Wednesdays at 7:30am and 7pm and Fridays at 9am. Make a request for another time and we can try our best to accommodate you if there are others interested in the same time. Ask your co-workers and friends!
3. Grab a friend and split your session
$400/10 per person a savings of over $30 session
4. Continue to come at least one time a week, this is money well spent since it is both therapeutic and will keep your body in shape.
This week the New York Times did a fantastic article about why you shouldn't give your exercise up during these stressful times. Check it out: