Supposedly it takes 21 days to form a habit. Unfortunately the sugar habit can be formed in much less time. After the In-8 workshop with Alice Moore, I made good food choices and was able to kick my nightly chocolate and daily biscotti habit. What killed me was vacation. The nightly glasses of wine, lovely meals and dessert put me over the edge in no time at all. I had to think back to what worked in the past and make the changes immediately.
For a few days I tried to eat my sweet potatoes, but wasn't thrilled. I bought a bunch of different squashes in the hopes this will work on crushing the sugar cravings. Tried a half an acorn squash with a little bit of Agave necter, but still craved sweets! Today is Tuesday and I am officially going to call this day 2 of theoretical sugar busting. My plan is to try acorn squash, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash every day for one week and see if my cravings go away. Will keep you posted. Other than going cold turkey what works best for you?